Tagged: statistics

Graffiti San Pedro La Laguna 10

Travel Website Statistics: November 2013

November has come and gone and Lunaguava seems to have plateaued. We’re currently averaging 1000 visits per month, which suits our non-existing goals fine. Our mindset is still firmly low-key, and although making strides...

Horse Miró 4

Travel Website Statistics: October 2013

October has not been a productive month in terms of, well… anything. Given my body’s untimely decision to give up on life, I’ve spent most of my time trying to rest and hopefully heal....

Despairing travel blogger 2

Travel Website Statistics: August 2013

As I’ve mentioned somewhere before, we did a bit of research through the labyrinthine recesses of the interwebs to prepare for our long-term travel adventure/descent into bankruptcy. We discovered most of the useful information...